How did you end up at UAG?
"When the time came for me to study Medicine because in order to be a surgeon, you must first be a doctor, there were several schools in Puerto Rico and I did not want to stay in my country, so I searched in the community and within the community, there were many graduates of the UAG and I applied to this university and I came to Mexico."
Which professor impacted your life as a medical student?
"Dr. Francisco Martnez Sandoval was the professor who most impressed me, and I followed his wise advice in the classroom." No one explained the work of a medical student to me as well as he did. He is a major reason for my success as a Medicine student and professional."
He later recalled his group of friends, with whom he shared many things during his time at the Universidad Autonoma, such as studying, meeting, and, most importantly, the mindset of one day becoming successful doctors.
Finally, he told the students, "Get out of the comfort zone, take responsibility for what the profession entails because this is 24/7 of the 365 days of the year until you are at another level and you are not going to reach that level in the next ten years of your life, it is a real commitment."