Noticias y eventos

Retorno 2024

By: UAG Alumni

More than 50 years later, graduates return to UAG

University studies are an unforgettable stage in life; during this time, knowledge is acquired, character is shaped, and, to a great extent, one's professional path is defined.

A prime example is a large group of graduates who completed their studies 50, 60, or more years ago at the
Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG). They gathered at "Retorno 2024" to reminisce about their time at their Alma Mater.

The official ceremony took place in the Lic. Antonio Leaño Reyes Auditorium, where the graduates, accompanied by their families, relived moments from their university days.

To Remember is to Live

On behalf of the university authorities, Dr. Ricardo Beltrán Rojas, Secretary General of UAG, congratulated the graduates for reaching these milestones since completing their studies and for proudly carrying the UAG name.
“Today is a great day to remember, to return home. Surely for many of you, simply walking through the doors of your University once more has awakened memories full of nostalgia from those times when each classroom witnessed your dreams and aspirations," he said.
“Today you are back in this home that has always been yours, where the memories of everything you lived feel as fresh as if time had never passed."

Dr. Beltrán Rojas added that since its founding, this institution has been committed to innovation, the highest academic quality, and comprehensive education to shape world-class innovative leaders.

Official Ceremony “Retorno 2024”
One example of this is the unique Alliance for Innovation that UAG signed in 2021 with Arizona State University (ASU) and CINTANA Education.

Following this message, university authorities presented a diploma and the "Soy UAG" pin to all the graduates, who proudly bear the seal of the Universidad Autónoma.

We Celebrate Life

Mtro. Ariosto Manrique Moreno, National President of the Alumni Association, said that Retorno is not only an event to celebrate the years of university education but also to celebrate life itself.

“Today, perhaps more than ever, we celebrate the joy of being here, together again, embracing, remembering, and thanking God for the blessing of reuniting,” he said.
Cocktail Celebration

He added that the Alumni Office offers a range of benefits for UAG alumni, and that the UAG Alumni Chapters have fostered a sense of community, promoted continuous education, university values, social responsibility, and a network of connections among graduates.

Representing the class of graduates, Dr. Víctor Esponda Dubin expressed that this reunion is also to celebrate achievements, friendships, and the commitments made to their professions upon graduation.

“Over the years, each of us has built a life of effort and dedication, carrying with us the values and teachings of our Alma Mater, and the memories of our student lives," he affirmed.

After the official ceremony, the graduates and university authorities participated in a celebration cocktail held in the courtyard of Building G.

In this way, UAG maintains contact with its graduates, who are the living example of the formation of world-class innovative leaders.

Celebrating 25 and 35 Years of Being UAG Alumni
Graduates from all programs at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG) came together to celebrate 25 and 35 years since completing their studies in an exciting ceremony held at the Lic. Antonio Leaño Reyes Auditorium.

Known as "Retorno 2024," this event brings graduates of the institution together to strengthen their bonds, reconnect with classmates, and reminisce about the moments they lived at the institution.

To reinforce the bond with its graduates, UAG organizes this ceremony to embrace and recognize them for their long professional journey, during which they have distinguished themselves as alumni of Mexico’s first private university.

Their second home
At the event, Dr. Alfonso Petersen Farah, Vice President of Academics and Health Sciences, delivered a message on behalf of the university authorities, stating that the attendees are a fundamental part of the history of UAG, as they are among the 140,000 graduates transforming the world.

“Your time here not only marked a before and after in your lives, but it has left an indelible mark on our institution. In each of you, the UAG spirit remains alive, represented by your professionalism, dedication, and commitment to serving others,” he stated."

He added that the institution continues to pursue its vision of being at the forefront of education and being a university that shapes world-class innovative leaders.

“A testament to this are the alliances made in recent years with Cintana Education and Arizona State University, which have reinforced innovation. Additionally, most programs are now accredited, certified, and more,” said Dr. Petersen Farah.

After these words, pins and recognitions were presented to the graduates.


Official Ceremony “Retorno 2024”

Years to Remember

This year, the words on behalf of the graduates were delivered by Eng. Raúl Esquinca Mancilla, who thanked UAG for shaping him both personally and professionally.

“Surely, at this moment, memories of the time we spent at our university are running through your minds. Some of you may be recalling your early years, the tough subjects you took, the challenging moments you experienced, and also the fun ones,” said the graduate.

“Thank you for all of this, and we hope that UAG continues to grow and shape the youth of our country.”
Cocktail Celebration

Mtro. Ariosto Manrique Moreno, National President of the UAG Alumni Association, also shared a few words, encouraging the graduates to maintain their communication with UAG and keep the university informed of all their achievements and joys, reminding them not to stop visiting, as it is their second home.

“Today, as we reflect on the path we’ve traveled, it’s impossible not to feel a mix of joy, nostalgia, and admiration. Each of us has followed a unique path, but we are all united by the invisible thread woven here, at our beloved Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara,” he said.

“Here, we were shaped not only as professionals but as men and women committed to three key values that defined us as individuals: Love of God, Respect for the Nation, and Defense of the Family.”

After the ceremony, a cocktail reception was held in the courtyard of Building G, where the graduates continued their celebration.

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