Noticias y eventos

UAG and TMC Students Meet with Top Physicians in Tucson, Arizona

UAG and TMC students recently met and networked with top physicians in the CHHA Tucson program, gaining valuable insights into the medical field.
By: UAG School of Medicine
On March 16, 2022, a social was held for UAG and TMC (Tucson Medical Center) students to meet and network with top physicians in the CHHA Tucson program. These physicians socialized and interacted with our students to answer any specific questions or doubts they had in mind about clinical clerkships.

With this in mind, the social was a wonderful opportunity for our students to interact with others and gain confidence. Many of our students felt encouraged and motivated after networking and sharing their experiences with other fellow physicians they looked up to as role models.

We have gathered some testimonials from our current students and would like to share them. 

"HCE Semester social held on March 16th, 2022 was a great and lovely gathering with colleagues from TMC. We got time to socialize and talk about our journey while studying for the steps and the different rotations we have experienced. Also, food was delicious! I think socials like this should be held more often since as students we need the encouragement and feedback from fellow students but also from role models as the physicians who are training us. I am forever grateful with Dr. Solorzano and CHHA for all the kind words and work they do for us, making us feel part of something important and giving us the tools necessary to continue in a path of success, such as meetings and socials like this one."
- Carolyn Agosto Rivera 

"I thought the social was a great way to see people in person and get to know some of the doctors face to face! But maybe we could do a little ice breaker or introduction with the other students at the beginning. I felt like some were too shy to talk to others and that would help them start up conversations."

- Sandra Canseco Garcia 

"The social was a nice event and it was nice to experience one as we have heard about the Tucson social events for awhile now so it was great. People do seemed to keep to themselves so maybe having a group activity next time will help people open-up more. I greatly appreciated the event overall."

- Michelle Catherine Huertas 

"The social was great in my opinion and I think we should do more activities like that to keep in touch and share our experiences! Thank you to CHHA and coordinator Dr Solorzano for organizing such a great event to our students and our doctors."

- Getizza Giovanis Centeno

"We loved the social. We can’t wait for the next one. The food and beverages were delicious and we loved how it was outside. The weather was great that day, and we loved how we got to reunite with some friends we hadn’t seen. We even asked them about step which was very helpful."

- Chelsea Lee Gibbs and Andrew Huntington Gould

"The social was a great was a good idea. It let us get to know more students and to meet the doctors we will be rotating with. I’m hoping we are able to have another social soon. It was great to meet Dr Alloway who has so much insight on residency, so talking to him was the highlight of my night, aside from the great food provided by CHHA." 

-  Von Marie Torres

"Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the social that was held a while back. It was a great opportunity to meet some of my classmates and see the doctors I rotated with again! The food was great, but I wish there were some heating pads or something to keep everything warm. It was a little cool that night and the food lost its heat quickly. It was great tasting, though! It was also great to have some wine available for us to enjoy, although it did seem to run out quickly. It was great to see everyone and have a chance to hear from you Dr. S! It would definitely be something I would attend in the future and I would recommend new students come by and meet their classmates! Thank you for all you do for us!" 
- Christopher Calderon-Rogers

"The social was great and the place was perfect! The food was great. It is so great that the Tucson Medical Center UAG program has these events in Tucson as they are helpful to us: conversations with doctors, our collegues and with our coordinator."

-  Jonathan Lopez 

" The social activity was so fun! It is a great chance to get to know colleagues and connect with new people. I had the opportunity to meet new classmates and we shared our stories and clinical experience from the rotations, as well as personal interests and plans. I totally recommend every student to be part of this kind of activity so that way they can make the most out of this continuous learning process. "

- Adriana Graham

" I really liked the interaction at the social gathering and the place it was held at! I had good exposure to some of the doctors that assisted and was able to hear the experiences of some of the students who were there which was great."

- Veronica Gonzalez



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